Circle. Connect. Transform.
Connection is a skill, and it can be learned.
Circling is a transformational communication practice that has spread across 12 countries and 45 states in the past few years. It enhances self-awareness, creates connection, and teaches participants how to get their needs met AND help others thrive in the process. The practice has been developed and refined by teachers in hundreds of fields, and now, it’s available to the public.
This unique practice, which facilitates connection and self-expression. is part art form, part meditation, part group conversation, Circling has been described as “interactive intimacy”, “social intercourse”, or (my favorite), “A structured way to love the crap out of someone.”
In a circle, you’ll join a group of people to have a conversation about what’s actually happening for you, and between you, right here and now. You’ll get a visceral sense of what others feel, think, and experience around you, and develop a meditation practice for bringing your embodied self naturally out into the world
Here's a great video from Circling Europe about the practice:
How to Experience Circling
COnnect is an online platform for Circling, connection, skill-building and self-transformation. We host daily relational events and have a vast library of resources to explore.
Attend an Event
Check our worldwide map to find a group near you! (If you don't find anything on the map, try searching on and Facebook.)
Get Tips
Download Sara’s Circling manual which includes “The Art of Getting Someone’s World” and the “Guide to Soul-Bending” for a ton of tips on leading great circles.