Taking Authentic Facilitation to the Workplace

authentic leadership corporate facilitation facilitation May 26, 2021

It's one thing to bring Authentic Relating skills into your relationship, your family, and your living room.


It's another thing entirely to bring it into the workplace, board room, and company culture!


To find out how it works, Jason Digges spoke to Carrie Patrick, Senior Organizational Development Strategist at Dell, and one of the best Authentic Relating facilitators we know. 



You'll learn about...

  • Why experiential learning can jumpstart the desired changes in company culture that theory just can't
  • The importance of balancing AR games with numbers and stats in the workplace context
  • How to translate AR for the workplace to get past any hesitancy around "self-help" culture
  • Why "playing it safe" is the absolute wrong approach


Tune in & start envisioning how you could bring Authentic Relating into new contexts!

Foundations of Facilitation begins Tuesday, June 1st at 11am EST, 5pm Eastern European time, and runs for 12 weeks! 


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