Context, Content, & Concern: A Conflict Resolution Framework with Sara Ness
Sep 16, 2021Unless you just don't talk to anyone, ever (or you only talk about the weather), conflict is an inevitable part of life. We've all developed ways and tools to deal, avoid, navigate, or perhaps instigate over the course of our lives -- some helpful, some not so much.
But what about when the conflict threatens our connection?
Authentic Relating can be applied to just about every context in our lives, and conflict might be one of the more potent places to bring the practice. AuthRev's Chief Catalyst Sara Ness has been sharing this new framework in her Sensemaking 101 work with RebelWisdom, and it's a really potent way to approach conversations that might be ripe for conflict. Have a look.
You'll learn...
- How creating shared context can help prevent conflict in the first place
- Why "Steel Manning" someone's perspective is the new (and way more helpful) "Straw Manning"
- Why bombarding someone with content and facts might be completely missing the point
- How to better understand the ways that concern might be the real driver in your conflict
Join Sara for a whole lot more insight and even more tools for conflict resolution on our next FREE webinar, September 21 at 1pm Central! Click here for details & to sign up - and don't worry, we'll send you the replay if you can't make it live.
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