ARTV 03: The Power of Social Technology with Zach Robinson
May 03, 2022
What is the FULLEST potential of Authentic Relating when applied by a skillful facilitator?
Many of us known on a personal level that the social technologies of AR have a deep and reverberating impact in our personal lives, and perhaps further our into our communities. But the vantage point of a career facilitator tells a different story.
In this episode of ARTV, we're interviewing Zach Robinson. A long-time facilitator for Authentic Revolution, he has brought the social technologies of AR into families, corporate settings, and soon, abroad. Have a listen to learn more about Zach's deep and nuanced understanding of the power of facilitation!
Topics Covered:
- How can AR be applied out in the world?
- How is applied AR different from therapy?
- Jason and Zach demonstrate an application of AR when they reset the context, give voice to what's alive, and reveal their desires in real time.
Join Zach in this next cohort of The Authentic Facilitator Training! Under his expert guidance, hone your facilitation style and learn to utilize the social technologies of Authentic Relating to elevate your leadership!
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