You want more juice out of life — and you’re certain it’s possible.


Your friendships, your partnerships, even your relationships with your family could be so much richer. More fulfilling. More inspiring.

But where do you begin?


We humans are wired for connection. But often we don’t know how to create it.

How much inner turmoil comes from having conversations that just feel blah? Or squirming through meetings or dates where we feel tongue-tied and frustrated?

When we try to fix it by being someone other than who we are, we end up right back at square one: uncomfortable and unfulfilled.
Once in a blue moon, it’s like the connection button somehow gets activated, and we have brilliant and fun experiences. We’re confident, vivacious, open, and conversation flows easily. We feel more connected and more ourselves than ever.

We might attribute that magic to the people we are with at the time, but these connection skills can be learned and practiced deliberately.

The curriculum of the Authentic Life Course will help you navigate being yourself, without alienating others.  

We’ll teach you field-tested tools and practices that have helped thousands of people navigate social anxiety, gain more confidence, learn to set boundaries, and master essential emotional intelligence skills.

And you can learn them in just 7 weeks.
The Authentic Life Course will help you:


  • Find your voice
  • Set boundaries
  • Make requests
  • Learn how others percieve you
  • Talk to strangers
  • Talk to friends
  • Talk to your family
...and begin creating the fulfilling connections you desire.

Join our next class!

Just $500 $395 for 7 weeks of transformative experiential education and support to create a lifetime of satisfying interactions



September 22
– November 3, 2024

11:00 am – 12:45 pm CT

Schedule of Sessions



$395 (8 tickets - available now!)

$450 (10 tickets)

$500 (15 tickets)


Apply for a Scholarship

Short on Time?

Try the Self-Paced Course

What You Get:

7 Modules

You’ll get lifetime access to targeted videos, worksheets and assignments to grow and hone your connection skills.  We’ll walk you through practices to help you level up all of the interactions in your daily life.


We provide you with an accountability tool - the Changemaster 3000 - for tracking your progress throughout the course.

Live Classes

Practice and learn together! Our expert coaches will guide fun, interactive sessions where you'll review content and play games to practice new skills.

What You’ll Learn:

 Module 1 

Who is your Authentic Self?  Map out your inner landscape. Then identify what you want to change in your relational life, and what you’re going to need to do so.


Module 2

Name your values, identify your motivations, and let them point the way. The most powerful change comes from your truth.


Module 3

Recognize and learn how to affect the social contexts that define the way you show up in the world.

Module 4

Get insight into how others see you, and use that information to see yourself more clearly.


Module 5

Learn how to ask for exactly what you want and need - and be heard.


Module 6

Practice setting effective boundaries, big or small.


Module 7

Integrate everything you’ve learned, and feel confident to identify and take agency to create interactions that truly nourish you.

Hear from a few of our students:

Amelia Broughton


"Wow, what a transformation I’m witnessing! My partner and I have been together over a year and he’s always been a pretty solid communicator, but the person he’s becoming through the Authentic Life Course is truly awe inspiring.

I love geeking out on the content he’s learning and discovering new possibilities for our relationship by doing the assignments he’s given. It’s nourishing parts of our relationship that we didn’t even know needed nutrients."

Luc Richard


"The Authentic Life Course has changed the way i see myself.

The videos were short enough to keep me engaged. The assignments were set up to be fun, so that i wanted to do them. The whole program was transformational for me. In fact, our triad became so close that we decided to go through the entire program again!"

Sheri Kay


"As a professional coach and facilitator I've been learning and  "teaching" connection and communication skills for years. That being said, the Authentic Life Course is hands down the most clear and applicable program that I've ever been part of. The online videos and supporting resources are beautifully done in a way supports various learning styles, and the weekly virtual meetings and assigned triads provide a forum to practice in a way that deepens and anchors concepts in real time in real life. I'm blown away!"


Need more information, or want to talk to one of our coaches?
Book a Free Call With Brian

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