
Oct 8 - 10,  2021

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What is the ALT?

"One of the deepest and most connective experiences of my life."
Julian Rosenberg, Austin

"An enchanting and powerful growth experience."
Diana Brickell, Boulder
"Beautiful insight about myself, tons of ideas for workshops and new approaches with my clients, a lightness and new depth of freedom in my experiences."
Megan Morrison, DC
"A perfect balance of challenging discomfort and space to shine."
Sophie Davis, Boston

What You'll Learn:

 - How to construct powerful experiences for groups of any kind
- How, when and why to express your truth in leadership
- How to enroll others in your vision and make them want to follow
- Your personal leadership superpowers and shadows
- Leading in situations of uncertainty and unknown
- The ART of Facilitative Leadership: Authentic, Responsive, and Transparent
Research Benefits of the Authentic Leadership Training

Want to Know More?

Online Training

I can't make this one, but please put me on the interest list for future:

"I've been attending workshops literally for 30+ years and I think this was among the most organized and well structured that I've experienced.

I love your transparency, willingness to give us you all you've got, and the fresh dynamic that you bring together as a team.

Can't wait for the advanced course. I'm all in!"

- Sheri Kay, Asheville

50% Complete

Two Step

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